I discovered my passion for violin making at the age of 14 when visiting Thomas Bertrand’s workshop in Brussels. The following year I started a three years apprenticeship with François Bodart, renowned viola da gamba maker.
From 2010 to 2013 I studied at the Newark School of Violin Making and graduated with distinction. That same summer I started working for Stephan von Baehr in Paris where the main focus is making copies of Cremonese instruments.
In 2015, I was lucky to join Stephan to the Oberlin workshop in America where we demonstrated the antiquing of a cello.
In 2016 Stephan and I received a certificate of merit at the Violin Society of America for a violin made in common.
In September 2019 I left Stephan’s workshop and started making my own instruments.
I am currently working in Taiwan (Zhongli) with my wife Chiling Chen.
We like to collaborate with friends and colleagues around the world.
Catherine Janssens has several of my instruments on show in her worshop in Brussels.