For more than 2 years, Eric Fournier has been the associate bow maker in Atelier Catherine Janssens. He comes every month for a week or more to take care of your bows.
tel: +33 6 26256333 / mail: archet.fournier@gmail.com
Eric Fournier discovered bowmaking at the age of 11. He served his bowmaking apprenticeship for more than 10 years with the most prestigious makers.
Since 2012, he set up his own and work all around the world. He is mainly establish south of France and often come to Brussel working with the violinmaker Catherine Janssens.
Hors-concours at international competition of the Violin Society of America
2008 Portland
- Certificate of merit Violin
- Certificate of merit Cello
2010 Cleveland
- Gold medal for Violin
- Gold medal for Viola
- Certificate of merit for Cello
2014 Indianapolis
- Certificate of merit for Violin
- Gold medal for Viola
- Gold medal for Cello
- Gold medal for Bass in collaboration with E.Bégin
2016 Cleveland
- Certificate of merit for Violin
- Gold medal for Viola
- Gold medal for Collo
Concours international Étienne Vatelot
2011 Paris
- Médaille d’argent pour Alto
Concours un des Meilleurs ouvriers de France
2014 Paris
- Darling international Bow Making Competition
2016 Amsterdam
- Grand Prix for Workmanship for Violin
- Grand Prix for Workmanship for Viola
- Player Award for Violin